Take your steak to the next level in 6 easy steps
In this how to guide we detail steps on how to perfect a steak from the comfort of your home. We introduce you to easy tips & tricks to take your steak to the next level.

In this how to guide we go through a step-by-step process to achieve a 5-star steak from the comfort of your home. Craving a tender, juicy piece of meat? Look no further.
Some common mistakes at home chefs make when cooking a steak is not understanding how to pick out a cut of meat, cooking your steak straight from the fridge or not preparing the meat before cooking. In this guide we bust these common mistakes.

1. First off let’s source the perfect cut.
We understand, steak cuts can be daunting for first time buyers we recommend our most popular cuts and talk a bit more on each.
- USDA StriploinÂ
A striploin steak is the perfect middle ground between the tenderloin and ribeye steak. Its tender texture creates delectable eating experience. If you are looking for a rich meaty steak this cut is for you. www.jmbutcher.mt/product/usda-corn-fed-prime-striploine/
- Irish Angus RumpÂ
Rump is usually the leanest of cuts, with fewer marbling spirals present. If you are not a fan of a rich meaty flavour this cut is recommend. To avoid a tough texture, cook rare to medium rare. When compared with fillet this cut is firmer. www.jmbutcher.mt/product/irish-angus-rump/Â
- Sashi Rib EyeÂ
This premium cut gets its reputation from its distinctive flavour which is derived from its specific marbling. This delicious marbling makes for a rich beef taste. Apart from being rich in flavour it also boasts a juicy texture. www.jmbutcher.mt/product/sashi-rib-eye-aaa/ Â
- Irish Angus FilletÂ
Another lean cut is the fillet steak. The fillet steak has minimum fat present but don’t be mistaken, fillet steaks still tend to achieve a tender result. Best served rare. www.jmbutcher.mt/product/irish-angus-fillet/Â

2. Preparing your meat for the pan
Once you have made your cut selection based on preference it is best to ensure your steak is at least 2.5cm – 3cm in diameter. Heard of the saying: You get what you pay for? This is especially true for steaks.
When you are ready to cook your steak, a little preparation goes a long way. Make sure to leave your steak out at ambient temperature before starting to cook – this ensures an even and fast cooking time for when that baby is ready to hit the pan! We recommend a waiting time of 20-30 minutes before you begin cooking.
Unfortunately, if you forget this step your steak you will land up with a tough chewy result. Avoid this by letting your steak adjust to room temperature. This will encourage the steak in developing a divine brown crust and a juicy centre.Â

3. Seasoning your steak
Now that you are ready to season your steak keeping it classic goes a long way. Start off by generously lathering both sides of your steak with good quality extra virgin olive oil, grounded sea salt and black grounded pepper. Let the salt be the star of this process, don’t be shy with sprinkling that salty goodness all over. Not adding enough salt and pepper to your steak will result in a bland meaty flavour, which we do not want.Â

4. Perfecting the sizzle
You are now ready to sizzle – its about to get hot in here! You have got the basics right but if you don’t cook your steak perfectly you could land up with a raw steak or a dry result. Both should be avoided. Â
We recommend using a heavy non-stick pan or a cast iron skillet over high heat, let it start smoking. The reason we wait for smoking point is to achieve that delicious crust on the edges of our steak.
Don’t worry with additional oil, as we covered this during prep. Let your steak hit the pan and enjoy the sounds of the sizzle. Don’t be tempted to flip your steak to early, this is a common mistake first timers make. You want to aim for 90 seconds (1.5 minutes) a side before flipping. Depending on your steak doneness preferences and the thickness of your cut you want to aim for between 5-6 minutes total cooking time and adjust from here for a result which yields a steak that is more well done. Â
You can get creative during the searing stage by adding in a dollop of butter and 2-3 whole garlic gloves. Let the aromatics of the butter and garlic infuse into the meat. The less flipping the better, remember we are trying to achieve prolonged contact with our pan.
Pro-tip: if you have selected a fatty steak you want to turn it on its side ensuring the fat renders off the sides. Yummy!

5. Judging your steak’s doneness
Its now time to judge the doneness of your steak. Chefs, depending on their style of cooking often make use of a food thermometer which they use probe the steak. Here is a rough guideline of temperature vs. cooking time:
- Rare: 5-6 minutes – 125 degrees F / 52 degrees C
- Medium: Rare 6-7 min – 130 degrees F / 55 degrees C
- Medium: 7-8 min – 140 degrees F / 60 degrees C
- Well Done: 8-10 min

6. Letting your steak rest before serving
Once your steak is completed transfer it to a cutting board and let it rest. We know this is the hardest step to do. Your taste buds have been awakened with the smells of steak, garlic & butter and you have your juicy steak is in front of you, saying give a me bite! Take it from us, discipline will pay off. By doing this simple last step you ensure those magical juices stay inside the meat which creates a more tender enjoyable eating experience. We say aim for a 5-minute wait. Â
When you are ready to slice your steak, we recommend cutting across the grain. Most likely the grain will run horizontally, as a rule of thumb cut then vertically.
Now the moment you have been waiting for a beautifully prepared steak waiting for you to enjoy, dig in!
Now that you are clued up on how to master your steak at home, shop our beef cuts at J&M Butcher ranging from Ribeye, Fillet, Striploin & many more. https://jmbutcher.mt/product-category/beef/
USDA Corn Fed Prime Striploine
€62.50 per kg
Sashi Rib eye AAA
€63.75 per kg
Irish Angus Fillet
€49.50 per kg
Irish Angus Rump
€23.50 per kg